International Baccalaureate (IB)

Ditt mål er høyere utdanning enten i Norge eller i utlandet, og du ønsker å stille svært godt forberedt til universitetsutdanningen. Internasjonal Baccaulerate (IB) passer for deg med ambisjoner og som liker å fordype deg i fag. Du liker utfordringer, og trives med å ha undervisning på engelsk. Porsgrunn videregående skole tilbyr IB på Vg2 og Vg3 med tilbud om Pre-IB på Vg1. Du kan søke IB uansett hvor du har gått vg1.
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Foto: Max Emanuelson

An international education

IB students around the world gain a common foundation for human tolerance and international understanding.

  • International BaccalaureatePorsgrunn videregående skole is one of 4,600 schools from around the world that are a part of the “International Baccalaureate Organization"
  • There are 25 schools in Norway that offer IB as a Diploma Program (IBDP)
  • Porsgrunn videregående skole has been a member since 2010
  • The Diploma Program is a two-year program (Vg2 and Vg3) with an international focus and classes are taught in English
  • The IB Diploma Programme builds on VG1 med internasjonalisering or Vg1 SF or equivalent education from abroad.
 Hovedmål for IB Diploma Program
  • Å kunne bruke engelsk som arbeidsspråk i alle fag
  • Å forberede dere til høyere utdanning, enten i Norge eller i utlandet
  • Å utvikle evnen til å tenke kritisk og selvstendig
  • Å benytte arbeidsoppgaver og arbeidsmåter som dere vil møte ved høyskoler og universiteter
  • Å utvikle en internasjonal bevissthet og også en forståelse for egen identitet og kultur, sett i et globalt perspektiv
  • Å kunne forstå og kommunisere med mennesker fra andre land og kulturer
  • Å bli samfunnsbevisst og forstå viktigheten av ansvaret vi alle har for å være positive bidragsytere i samfunnet, både lokalt og globalt (CAS - Creativity, activity and service).
Why choose The International Baccalaureate programme?

What is the Diploma Programme

  • The IB programme spans over two years so that you can understand your chosen subjects well.
  • On completing the Diploma, you are qualified for colleges and universities in Norway and in almost all other countries in the world. (Generell studiekompetanse eller spesiell studiekompetanse.) Discover why IB students succeed
  • English is the language of instruction. All textbooks are written in English and all assignments and exams are in English, other than your Norwegian or foreign language books or exams.
  • This use of the English Language gives you an advantage regarding further study and later work, since most studies at universities and future positions at work, demand a high competence of language proficiency. This is not only regarding the use of English, but also terminology and expressions linked to specific subjects.
  • All subjects contain component elements of independent project work which contribute to their final assessment. These are called Internal Assessments (IA’s) and must be completed during the two years of study. Investigation is at the core of the IA’s which allows for the gradual development of a research-based approach to learning.
  • There are exams in all subjects during May in the second year of study.
    Assessment and exams
  • The IBDP programme prepares you for higher education by having focus on:
    • work and progression reflection,
    • assignments that demand individual focus,
    • training in research work for an extended piece of independent writing known as the Extended Essay.
    • understanding the importance of a sharing student community and time management.

Applying to the IB Diploma Programme

Vg1 med internasjonalisering (Pre-IB)

By choosing Vg1 med internasjonalisering you become part of the IB department already from Vg1.

  • Part of the classes are taught in English
  • You will learn working methods we use at IB
  • You will get to know IB teachers and other motivated students who are interested in joining the IB Diploma Programme

You apply to Vg1 med internasjonalisering by going to Vigo and specifying that you want Pre-IB as a Vg1 studieforberedende alternative at Porsgrunn videregående skole.

How to apply to the International Baccalaureate at PVS (Vg2 and Vg3)
  • There are no fees for the IB Diploma programme at PVS.
  • Applications for the IB-programme must be submitted to Vigo by March 1st
  • ALL students have to formally apply through every year since the general national rules apply also for IB-Students.
  • Students not applying through the county “Vigo” application system or from abroad must submit the following application with the paperwork that supports the application.

Application form IB PVS

  • Information about the IB diploma programme can be found following this link
    Diploma Programme curriculum
  • When applying to start the Diploma programme itself in the second year of secondary education, a “Subject choice form” must be completed and handed in to the IB coordinator at PVS, Margrethe Hauff by March 1st.
    This can be submitted both digitally or in paper format. Who is the Diploma for?
  • Grades must be delivered electronically if the student is not attending PVS.
  • All student rights, such as loans and scholarships, apply for the IBDP-students
School admission policy

The IB Diploma Programme at Porsgrunn Videregående Skole

Admission is open to students of all nationalities who demonstrate the ability to access and benefit from the challenging international curriculum and programme of the International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Admission is dependent on:
- Meeting all admission procedures and qualifications. (See below)
- Availability of places.
- A residency permit for Norway and an address in Telemark Fylkeskommune.

In the event of a shortage of places, priority will be given to:
- Students with a good previous academic record.
- Students who do not speak Norwegian fluently.
- Students who have come from another school equivalent to the first year of the Norwegian Upper Secondary general studies course.

Necessary Qualifications
• First year of Norwegian Upper Secondary general studies, Music Dance and Drama or Sport or Art with general studies.
• A fulfilled IB Middle Years Programme (MYP 5)
• Equivalent qualification to any of the above, including a minimum of 10 years of schooling.
• A satisfactory level of English to enable a student to follow the programme.
• A satisfactory level of mathematics which would equate with the presumed knowledge necessary for the IB diploma mathematics courses.

Porsgrunn Videregående Skole may require a student to undertake an entrance examination in mathematics and English if they are unsure of a student’s ability to access the diploma programme.

Students should apply through

You will be well prepared for higher education

The classes are taught at an academic level. Smaller class sizes allow individual students to receive personal attention and feedback from teachers.

As an IB Diploma student, you will discover that you are highly sought after by both Norwegian and international universities.

You will receive training in scientific thinking and methodology and conduct research projects in all subjects, making you well prepared for higher education.

Choosing subjects

Choosing subjects in the Diploma Programme

Students choose courses from the following subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts.

Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.

Students will take some subjects at higher level (HL) and some at standard level (SL).  HL and SL courses differ in scope but are measured according to the same grade descriptors, with students expected to demonstrate a greater body of knowledge, understanding and skills at higher level.

Each student takes at least three (but not more than four) subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level.

Overview of subjects offered at Porsgrunn videregående skole

You have to choose one subject from each of the six subject groups, three subjects at higher level and three at standard level.

Subject groups



1 - Language A
(First language)
Norwegian A Literature

Standard Level
Higher Level

English A Language & Literature

Standard Level
Higher Level

2 - Language B
(Second modern language)


Norwegian B

English B

Higher Level
3 - Individuals and societies Global Politics

Standard Level
Higher Level


Standard Level 
Higher Level

4 - Experimental sciences Biology Standard Level

Chemistry Standard Level
Higher Level
Physics Standard Level
Higher Level
5 - Mathematics Applications and Interpretations

Standard Level

Analysis and Approaches

Standard Level and Higher Level

6 - Electives A second subject from groups 1, 2, 3 or 4  

The Core of the Diploma Programme

  • Theory of knowledge (TOK) is a philosophy subject where you will explore the limits of knowledge - What is the nature of knowledge and how can we know what we claim to know.
  • Extended Essay (EE) is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. EE provides a unique opportunity for in-depth learning within a subject you are interested in. You also get good training in academic writing.
  • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS): through the CAS programme, students must participate in various activities that will enhance their personal and interpersonal development by learning through experience. The goal is for students to become socially aware and understand the importance of the responsibility we all have to be positive contributors to society, both locally and globally.

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Assessment and evaluation of results

Assessment and Exams

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) assesses student work as direct evidence of achievement against the stated goals of the Diploma Programme (DP) courses.

DP assessment procedures measure the extent to which students have mastered advanced academic skills in fulfilling these goals, for example:

  • analysing and presenting information
  • evaluating and constructing arguments
  • solving problems creatively

Basic skills are also assessed, including:

  • retaining knowledge
  • understanding key concepts
  • applying standard methods

In addition to academic skills, DP assessment encourages an international outlook and intercultural skills, wherever appropriate.

Student results are determined by performance against set standards, not by each student's position in the overall rank order.

More information about IB

Our policies

Academic Honesty Policy

Admission Policy

Assessment Policy

Language Policy

Special Needs Policy

IB handbook

IB-handbook PVS

International School Telemark

Porsgrunn videregående collaborates with International School Telemark.
International School Telemark – Inspiring students together!

Video about IB at Porsgrunn



Margrethe Hauff
IB Diploma Programme Coordinator
Bilde av Marianne Johnsson Marianne Johnsson
Avdelingsleder realfag og IB


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Publisert: 29.11.2017 Oppdatert: 25.04.2024 kl.10:39